Client: Blue Apron, Carnegie Mellon University
Team: Josh LeFevre, Soonho Kwon, Susie Lee, Mary Tsai
Duration: 7 weeks
Tools: After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, Physical prototyping
My role: Design strategist, service blueprinting, prototyper, storyteller
What is music service could be designed to artist revenue or move music from passive to active using both both physical and digital touch points.
SOUND BITE–a business-to-business music company that develops curated music pairings for home delivery food services. This service is open to all delivery service in order to pairs music, according to research of musical synesthesia, with a food’s recipe–taste, textures, and ingredients in order enhance the dining experience and keep the customers returning for more.
Sound Bite aims to help make mealtime more interesting by pairing acoustics with your tastebuds to create a more enjoyable dining experience.

Delivery Representation

Food Delivery Box

Sound enhancement packet

SoundCard for meal enhancement

New Website design for SoundBite inclusion

SoundBite Research Participant

SoundBite Research Participant

SoundBite Research Participant

Sample Research Feedback

SoundBite Logo Concept